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  • Workplace Injury Stats [Infographic]

    Why you need Employer's Liability Insurance

    There are a number of alarming statistics on how many people in the UK are currently suffering workplace injuries or illness, including information on the work days lost, and cost to business as a result. Owing to the number of companies also suffering enforced penalties due to failing to protect their employees there is good reason to ensure you have Employer's Liability Insurance in place.

    We have put together the following infographic to highlight these statistics sourced from HSE.

    Workplace Injury Stats

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    <p><strong>Please include attribution to Bluedrop Services with this graphic.</strong><br /><br /><a  href='https://www.bluedropservices.co.uk/blog/194/workplace-injury-statistics-infographic/'><img src='https://www.bluedropservices.co.uk/resources/Infographic_Workplace_Injury.jpg' alt='Workplace Injury Stats' width='580' border='0' /></a></p>

    Workplace illnesses

    There are 1.2m in the UK suffering from an illness they thought was caused or made worse by their current employement.

    142 have suffered fatal injury.

    611,000 sustained their non-fatal injury at work.

    Working Days Lost

    A total of 27.3 million working days were lost due to work-related ill health or injury.

    23.3 million days were lost from work-related ill health.

    4.1 million days were lost to workplace injuries.

    Estimated cost of injuies and ill health from working conditions

    £14.3bn (£9.4bn from illness, £4.9bn from injury)


    586 cases were prosecuted by HSE in England and Wales

    70 cases were prosecuted by Local Authorities in England and Wales

    72 cases were prosecuted by the Procurator Fiscal in Scotland

    12,430 enforcement notices were issued by all enforcing authorities

    For more information read our ultimate guide to Employer's Liability Insurance.

    Want to find out more about Bluedrop's Employer's Liability Insurance?
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