Leading specialist insurance brokers
...your first choice for advice and support
Bluedrop services are one of the UK's leading specialist insurance brokers with expertise in business insurance, namely motor fleet insurance and non-standard home insurance.
With a specialist team Bluedrop's in-depth knowledge allows them to offer additional support and expert advice in areas to reduce costs and downtime to your business and personal assets.
Our insurance portfolio
The Bluedrop product portfolio covers experience in providing both standard and non-standard insurance policies in areas such as: Motor Fleet Insurance, Business Insurance, Liability Insurances, Landlord Insurance and non-standard Home Insurance.
As a broker, Bluedrop Services know the business inside out and have developed strong relationships with underwriters so they can help their customers by saving time, hassle, and money to ultimately provide the best solution to meet their needs. With both a Southern and Northern office, we are able to offer their specialist advice across the country and both teams have a wide range of experience to share.
Experts in Fleet Insurance
With 65% of all company vehicles being involved in a road accident in the next 12 months it is important to recruit a fleet insurance broker you can rely on. Not only to provide advice, expertise and a swift claims process, but to act as an extension of your team.
Mark McKenna, National Fleet Insurance Sales Manager, tells us that on average each fleet insurance claim has relative repair costs of between £750 and £4,500 per claim, not to mention the vehicle off road (VOR) expense and impact on your business. In many cases your fleet is critical to your business and either planned maintenance or unplanned downtime can become a huge drain on business resources.
Many fleet operators will have processes in place to manage their own drivers when they are involved in accidents, providing replacement vehicles and managing repairs, however less time is taken to consider managing third parties and third-party claims tend to skyrocket as a result. This may not cost your business immediately as a result, but these costs will often in turn be passed on in the form of higher premiums for your fleet vehicle insurance.
We understand the impact of a drawn-out claim to your business and actively chase our insurers to conclude third party claims as swiftly as possible, therefore mitigating loss and keeping driver's reserves down. With the help of our expertise, vehicle downtime is minimised, and you can rest assured that we are working to get the best out of your fleet vehicle insurance.
Robust Business Insurance
It is thought that up to as many as 80% of UK businesses and 75% of US businesses are currently underinsured which can result in a huge aftermath of losses, should an incident occur that requires repair or rebuild of property or interruption of business. With such a large percentage of businesses found to be underinsured it is important to understand how to avoid the most common mistakes that result in up to 40% of businesses not re-opening following disaster.
Following the recession unfortunately many businesses, specifically small start-ups, experienced the false economy of underinsuring their business in a bid to save money. In times of economic pressure, it is hard to convince businesses of the need to take out a full portfolio of insurance, especially when they have not experienced a previous claim or understand the devastating effects of underinsurance.
Business insurance is one of the most effective ways to maintain a stable, safe workplace and here at Bluedrop Services we have an expert team on hand to help you identify exactly which aspects of business insurance are relevant to your unique situation. We can help to ensure whatever the situation that your business stays up and running.
Essential Non-standard home insurance
If you own a property with non-standard features or you have a past criminal conviction, then you may struggle to find a home insurance policy due to the increased level of risk involved.
A non-standard home can be classed in terms of the type of property, the construction materials used, the location and use of the property, or even by the residents of the home. With a non-standard home, increased risk comes hand-in-hand. Whether it be increased risk of damage, theft, or difficulty sourcing materials and labour for repair or rebuild.
Our personal home insurance portfolio covers a range of non-standard property types as well as buildings and contents insurance. Perhaps you own a listed building, thatched property, have a second home, or leave your property unoccupied. Or your home may be located in a flood risk area, be at risk of subsidence, have a flat roof or be classed as high net worth. Either of these scenarios will require additional adjustments to a standard policy and our expert understanding will safeguard your assets, providing the cover you need should disaster strike.
Our range of commercial insurance services:
Call our friendly team now for the right insurance cover - at the best price
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It's about providing the solution that makes life easy for you, offers unbeatable value for money and is one you can put your trust in
Doug Kelley
Managing Director